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Contact us

You can call the Team on: 01437 701123

Listen to the message and select the option you require or you can e-mail: admin@pacto.org.uk

If you need help organising a journey for Day Opportunities you can email transportconnector@pacto.org.uk

For MiDAS Training/Assessment then contact Craig on 07535 921528 or email craig@pacto.org.uk 


Address for Correspondence :


Unit No 5b, The Old School Estate,

Station Road,


SA67 7DU.

(Registered Office):
Pembrokeshire Association of Community Transport Organisations (PACTO)
SA67 8HF


Click here to view our policy on compliments and complaints

Registered Charity, No. 1148810.

Registered Company Limited by Guarantee, No. 7825882


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