The Small Print
Community and Local Authority Minibuses are run under Section 19 permits, which allow small buses to be operated on a non-profit basis for particular purposes. They can be made available to other groups whose use of the vehicle would be within the terms of the Permit.
Businesses, such as private nursing homes or childcare, hotels, tourist attractions, shops or any other commercial concern, are not allowed to hire minibuses under the Section 19 permit. Contact your local minibus private hire company.
Some wheelchair adapted minibuses, such as those belonging to the Council's Social Care department, are registered as "Ambulances". Usage of these vehicles is restricted to groups whose members have limited mobility, e.g. disabled or elderly people.
Community Minibus schemes generally require groups to become a member of their scheme in order to make use of their minibus. A small subscription fee will be payable. Users will be charged for each use, by mileage and/or duration of hire. Fuel may or may not be included in this charge. You will usually need to provide your own MiDAS certificated driver, although some organisations may sometimes be able to help you find a driver for your journey.
Further information about Terms and Conditions of group transport are available from the minibus operator.